Senior-Friendly Courses

At Solstice, we encourage our residents to live vibrantly and invest time in their interests and hobbies. One of the best parts of making the move to a senior living community is the time and support to learn new things!  Many companies specialize in online courses to explore your interests and undiscovered passions, which is a great option given in-person courses aren’t an option right now. Check out the platforms below for opportunities to invest in skills, learn new things and flex your mental muscles.


Coursera partners with more than 200 universities and companies to bring affordable online learning to individuals interested in diving into a specific subject. Many of the courses are free, with subjects like history, nutrition, psychology, education and art!


Through YouTube’s free video platform, you can search for specific topics and learn new tips and tricks! Here are a few:

NYT Cooking – Learn how to make delicious new meals with chefs across the country.

Gresham College – Listen to lectures from professors around the world about a number of topics, including William Shakespeare, heart transplants, Isaac Newton and the Russian Revolution.

TED-ed – Watch animated videos to learn about a number of historical topics. 

HASfit – Stay fit with senior-friendly exercise courses. 

BBC Languages

Have you ever dreamed of speaking another language? There’s no time like the present! BBC has created a free resource to help you learn the basics of speaking over 40 different languages. Start your journey today!

If you are looking for local resources, check out the online courses offered at community colleges in your area. This year, make a resolution to learn something new with Solstice Senior Living!