New Year, New You: A Road Map to Your Best Year Yet
As we enter the new year, we encourage our residents to embrace their resolutions and dream big. Setting achievable goals, creating a vision board and celebrating milestones are great places to start.

Categorize Your Goals
We recommend categorizing your goals instead of creating a vague list of resolutions. Break down your aspirations into specific categories, such as:
- Personal Development: Learn a new skill and develop habits or personal growth milestones. Utilize your Solstice community’s Vibrant Life® program to inspire, challenge or even dare yourself to be an adventurer. Experience cooking classes, gardening activities, bocce ball or even American Sign Language classes.
- Health and Wellness: Focus on both your physical and mental well-being. Get involved in our Path to Wellness program, which focuses on holistic wellness to support residents every step of the way with morning stretch classes, group fitness activities, walking clubs and a supportive community.
- Adventure and Recreation: Identify experiences you want to try, places you wish to explore or dreams you’re eager to pursue. With our Livin’ the Dream program, our team and volunteers are dedicated to making your dreams come true this year. Experience sky diving, rock climbing or horseback riding.
Create a Vision Board
Once you’ve categorized your goals, bring them to life by creating a vision board. A vision board serves as a visual representation of your aspirations and goals and helps provide motivation to achieve them.
Celebrate Milestones
As you progress toward your goals, don’t forget to celebrate milestones along the way. Recognizing your achievements, no matter how small, will motivate you to continue toward your goals. Create a rewards system for yourself, whether it’s treating yourself to something new, indulging in a special treat, or simply taking a moment to appreciate yourself and acknowledge your progress.
Hold Yourself Accountable
Implement strategies to hold yourself accountable, such as setting deadlines, seeking support from peers, and reflecting on or adjusting your goals. Having a plan will keep you dedicated to your objectives throughout the year.

As we enter 2024, seize the opportunity to create a clear vision and actionable road map for your best year yet. Happy New Year from everyone at Solstice Senior Living!